Francesco Arceri

PhD 2021
My current research is aimed at understanding the mechanical and vibrational properties of glasses and jammed materials through computer modeling. As glassy behavior is found in high pressure glasses and jammed granular solids, I’m particularly interested in studying the connection between these two somehow different but very similar systems. After having developed an algorithm to produce hard spheres glassy configurations very close to the jamming point by using an effective interaction, I’m now focusing my work on studying the rheological response of jammed solids as a function of their degree of mechanical stability and distance from the jamming transition.
I received my master degree in Theoretical Physics in January 2017 from “La Sapienza” University of Rome, Italy focusing on statistical mechanics of disordered systems. In particular my thesis project, developed with Prof. Federico Ricci-Tersenghi, was based on extending the Hierarchical Random Energy model to describe the thermodynamics of structural glasses.