“Extreme Diffusion Measures Statistical Fluctuations of the Environment”, J Hass, H Drillick, I Corwin, EI Corwin, PRL 133 267102 (2024). Supplementary Material
“The Ideal Glass and the Ideal Disk Packing in Two Dimensions”, V Bolton-Lum, RC Dennis, PK Morse, EI Corwin, under submission, (2024).
“First-Passage Time for Many Particle Diffusion in Space-Time Random Environments”, JB Hass, I Corwin, EI Corwin, PRE 109, 054101 (2024).
“Local stability of spheres via the convex hull and the radical Voronoi diagram”, PK Morse, EI Corwin, PRE 108, 064901 (2023).
“The jamming transition and the marginally jammed solid”, F Arceri, EI Corwin, CS O’Hern, in “Spin glass theory & far beyond—replica symmetry breaking after 40 years”, World Scientific (2023).
“Anomalous fluctuations of extremes in many-particle diffusion”, JB Hass, AN Carroll-Godfrey, I Corwin, EI Corwin, PRE, 107, L022101 (2023). Supplementary Material
“Predicting defects in soft sphere packings near jamming using the force network ensemble”, JD Sartor, EI Corwin, PRL, 129, 188001 (2022). Supplementary Material
“Emergence of zero modes in disordered solids under periodic tiling”, RC Dennis, VF Hagh, EI Corwin, PRE, 106, 044901, (2022).
“Hyperuniform jammed sphere packings have anomalous material properties”, JR Dale, JD Sartor, RC Dennis, EI Corwin, PRE, 106, 024903 (2022).
“Transient degrees of freedom for introducing function in materials”, VF Hagh, SR Nagel, AJ Liu, ML Manning, EI Corwin, PNAS, 119 (19) e2117622119 (2022). Supplementary Material
“Dionysian hard sphere packings are mechanically stable at vanishingly low densities”, RC Dennis, EI Corwin, PRL, 128, 018002 (2022). Supplementary Material
“Marginal stability in memory training of jammed solids”, F Arceri, EI Corwin, VF Hagh, PRE, 104, 044907 (2021).
“Long-range anomalous decay of the correlation in jammed packings”, P Rissone, EI Corwin, G Parisi, PRL, 127, 038001 (2021). Supplementary Material
“Finite size effects in the microscopic critical properties of jammed configurations: a comprehensive study of the effects of different types of disorder”, P Charbonneau, EI Corwin, RC Dennis, R Díaz Hernández Rojas, H Ikeda, G Parisi, F Ricci-Tersenghi, PRE, 104, 014102, (2021).
“A direct link between active matter and sheared granular systems”, PK Morse, S Roy, E Agoritsas, E Stanifer, EI Corwin, ML Manning, PNAS, 118 (18), e2019909118 (2021). Supplementary Material
“Interplay between percolation and glassiness in the random Lorentz gas”, G Biroli, P Charbonneau, EI Corwin, Y Hu, H Ikeda, G Szamel, F Zamponi, PRE, 103, L030104 (2021). Supplementary Material
“Mean-Field Predictions of Scaling Prefactors Match Low-Dimensional Jammed Packings”, JD Sartor, SA Ridout, EI Corwin, PRL, 126, 048001 (2021). Supplementary Material
“Vibrational properties of hard and soft spheres are unified at jamming”, F Arceri, EI Corwin, PRL, 124, 238002 (2020). Supplementary Material
“Direct measurement of force configurational entropy in jamming”, JD Sartor, EI Corwin, PRE, 101, 050902(R) (2020).
“Experimental observation of the marginal glass phase”, AP Hammond, EI Corwin, PNAS, 117 (11) 5714-5718 (2020). Supplementary Material
“The Jamming Energy Landscape is Hierarchical and Ultrametric”, RC Dennis, EI Corwin, PRL, 124, 078002 (2020). Supplementary Material
“Gardner Physics in Amorphous Solids and Beyond”, L Berthier, G Biroli, P Charbonneau, EI Corwin, S Franz, F Zamponi, J Chem Phys, 151, 010901 (2019).
“A Broader View on Jamming: From Spring Networks to Circle Packings”, VF Hagh, EI Corwin, K Stephenson, MF Thorpe, Soft Matter, 15, 3076, (2019).
“Glassy, Gardner-like phenomenology in minimally polydisperse crystalline systems”, P Charbonneau, EI Corwin, L Fu, G Tsekenis, M van der Naald, PRE, 99, 020901(R) (2019). Supplementary Material
“Degree product rule tempers explosive percolation in the absence of global information”, AJ Trevelyan, G Tsekenis, EI Corwin, PRE, 97, 020301(R) (2018).
“Direct measurement of the ballistic motion of a freely floating colloid in Newtonian and viscoelastic fluids”, AP Hammond, EI Corwin, PRE, 96, 042606 (2017).
“Echoes of the glass transition in athermal soft spheres”, PK Morse, EI Corwin, PRL, 119, 118003 (2017). Supplementary Material
“Universality in quasi-two-dimensional granular shock fronts above an intruder”, MY Karim, EI Corwin, PRE, 95, 060901(R), (2017).
“Geometric order parameters derived from the Voronoi tesselation show signatures of the jamming transition”, PK Morse, EI Corwin, Soft Matter, 12(4), 1248-1255 (2016). Supplementary Material
“Fluids by design using chaotic surface waves to create a metafluid that is Newtonian, thermal, and entirely tunable”, KJ Welch, A Liebman-Peláez, EI Corwin, PNAS, 113(39), (2016).
“Universal Non-Debye Scaling in the Density of States of Amorphous Solids”, P Charbonneau, EI Corwin, G Parisi, A Poncet, F Zamponi, PRL, 117, 045503 (2016).
“Hidden symmetries in jammed systems”, PK Morse, EI Corwin, JStat, Special Issue on Structure in Glassy and Jammed Systems, 074009 (2016).
“Jamming Criticality Revealed by Removing Localized Buckling Excitations”, P Charbonneau, EI Corwin, G Parisi, F Zamponi, PRL, 114, 125504 (2015). Supplementary Material
“Structure of marginally jammed polydisperse packings of frictionless spheres”, C Zhang, CB O’Donovan, EI Corwin, F Cardinaux, TG Mason, ME Möbius, F Scheffold, PRE, 91, 032302 (2015).
“Atomistic study of macroscopic analogs to short chain molecules”, KJ Welch, CSG Kilmer, EI Corwin, PRE, 91, 022603 (2015). Supplementary Material
“Eliminating Friction with Friction: 2D Janssen Effect in a Friction-Driven System”, MY Karim, EI Corwin, PRL, 112, 188001 (2014).
“Ballistic and diffusive dynamics in a two-dimensional ideal gas of macroscopic chaotic Faraday waves”, KJ Welch, I Hastings-Hauss, R Parthasarathy, EI Corwin, PRE, 89, 042143 (2014).
“Geometric Signatures of Jamming in the Mechanical Vacuum”, PK Morse, EI Corwin, PRL, 112, 115701 (2014). Supplementary Material
“Mean-field granocentric approach in 2D & 3D polydisperse, frictionless packings”, CB O’Donovan, EI Corwin, ME Möbius, Philos Mag, 93:31-33, 4030-4056 (2013).
“Bond percolation in higher dimensions” EI Corwin, R Stinchcombe, MF Thorpe, PRE, 88, 014102 (2013).
“Universal Microstructure and Mechanical Stability of Jammed Packings”, P Charbonneau, EI Corwin, G Parisi, F Zamponi, PRL, 109, 205501 (2012). Supplemental Material
“Getting into a Proper Jam” EI Corwin, Physics, 5, 97 (2012).
“Unfolding proteins with an atomic force microscope: Force-fluctuation-induced nonexponential kinetics” M Clusel, EI Corwin, PRE, 84, 041920 (2011).
“The role of interstitial gas in determining the impact response of granular beds” JR Royer, B Conyers, EI Corwin, PJ Eng, HM Jaeger, Euro Phys Lett, 93, 28008 (2011).
“Model for random packing of polydisperse frictionless spheres” EI Corwin, M Clusel, AON Siemens, and J Brujic, Soft Matter, 6, 2949-2959 (2010).
“A ‘granocentric’ model for random packing of jammed emulsions” M Clusel, EI Corwin, AON Siemens, and J Brujic, Nature, 460, 611-615 (2009). Supplementary Material
“Birth and growth of a granular jet” JR Royer, EI Corwin, B Conyers, A Flior, ML Rivers, PJ Eng, and HM Jaeger, PRE, 78, 011305, (2008).
“Temporal force fluctuations measured by tracking individual particles in granular materials under shear” EI Corwin, ET Hoke, Jaeger HM, and Nagel SR, PRE, 77, (2008).
“Granular flow in a rapidly rotated system with fixed walls” EI Corwin, PRE, 77, 031308 (2008).
“Gas-mediated impact dynamics in fine-grained granular materials” JR Royer, EI Corwin, PJ Eng, and HM Jaeger, PRL, 99, 038003, (2007).
“Kinetically driven self assembly of highly ordered nanoparticle monolayers” TP Bigioni, XM Lin, TT Nguyen, EI Corwin, TA Witten, and HM Jaeger, Nature Materials, 5, 265-270, (2006).
“Formation of granular jets observed by high-speed X-ray radiography” JR Royer, EI Corwin, A Flior, ML Cordero, ML Rivers, PJ Eng, and HM Jaeger, Nature Physics, 1, 164-167, (2005).
“Structural signature of jamming in granular media” EI Corwin, HM Jaeger, and SR Nagel, Nature, 435, 1075-1078, (2005).
“Flow and fracture in drying nanoparticle suspensions” ER Dufresne, EI Corwin, NA Greenblatt, J Ashmore, DY Wang, AD Dinsmore, JC Cheng, XS Xie, JW Hutchinson, and DA Weitz, PRL, 91, (2003).